
Welcome to this blog in which you’ll be able to read the adventures of a not-so-young-anymore girl and her husband in their attempts to have a baby. We got married in 2011 and have been TTC since 2010. I had bought a dress that would go with the bump but it was totally useless since it took way longer to get (and stay) pregnant. So naive!

Husband and I don’t match too well for reproductive purposes: I make crappy eggs due to PCOS and he has weird looking swimmers.

After 4 IVF cycles, 2 cancelled cycles and several frozen cycles, a little miracle baby finally arrived in 2015.

15 Responses to About

  1. pivoinespma says:

    waou! I am very distressed by your friend. How your diferent nationalities could be an obstacle to conceive. You are not a dog and a cat!!!

  2. pivoinespma says:

    Continues to Hope and believe

  3. Isabelle says:

    What a crazy friend you have there. My hubby is Indian and I’m Chinese. There are so many people of different nationalities who are married and have kids……

  4. julys974 says:

    First of all, I like your introduction and your way of hanging up you to the hope… On the other hand, I don’t understand that a “friend” can hold words so ridiculous !! I wish you a life filled with small and big happiness. I wish you can meet your child as soon as possible, whatever is the borrowed way…

    • kiftsgate says:

      Merci July! I try to hang on to my hope, though I do struggle a lot… Yeah, she’s not so much of a friend after all… I wrote it down because I thought that was the stupidest thing I have been told (and I’ve been told a few…). Thanks for the lovely wishes, the same goes to you! xx

  5. Mrs. D says:

    I enjoy your blog and nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! 🙂
    ( http://citylifefarmwife.com/2014/07/31/very-inspiring-blogger-award/ )

  6. Bibiche says:

    Hi, sorry for my english 🙂
    I’ve just discover your blog and I hope you will have quickly a miracle to enjoy with your husband. Infertility isn’t simple. Wish you all the best !

    • kiftsgate says:

      No need to apologize. I’ll have to apologize for my French instead. I have just found your blog today and was browsing through it. Best wishes to you too!

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