Third trimester!!!

Today marks the start of the third trimester of this pregnancy!!! OMG!!!! Hard to believe. I feel like crying of joy even just thinking about it!

My first trimester was characterized by fears that this baby may leave me. They slowly decreased as weeks went by and as I started feeling her move.

I spent most of the second trimester in a high, as it started sinking in that I was likely going to have a baby. For real. I only had the exception of a couple of weeks of feeling low mostly due to (yet another) flu as well some emotional stuff going on around me, which reminded me all at once how hard it was to get here. But it didn’t last long!

I don’t really know what to expect from this third trimester, other than focusing on getting ready for this baby to arrive. I hardly have any experience with babies so I really need to do a bit of preparation. It’d be a pity to do something silly after all the hard work…

To start this third trimester, I am actually focusing a lot on crossing fingers, lighting candles, doing fertility dances and poking unicorns because there has been and will be a lot going on between my IF buddies. Some need confirmation of good news, some are in serious need of good news very soon and some will be giving it another shot at IVF soon hence needing good news in the next months.

So, Dear Universe, please please please be nice and do some more miracles. These lovely ladies have been working hard and they’ve been waiting for too loooooong already!! Thanks!


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27 Responses to Third trimester!!!

  1. barrenbetty says:

    Happy third trimester! I’ll do some fertility dances with you x

  2. damelapin says:

    The best one in my opinion 😉

  3. Bibiche says:

    Enjoy this last trimester!!! Love thé infertility dance picture 😉

  4. Little Wife says:

    Still so happy for you !!!!
    Cross your fingers for me (but I’m sure they are already crossed) !
    Bisous et merci pour aujourd’hui 😉

  5. allison2206 says:

    I know how weird it feels it get to the 3rd trimester, I feel like I’m just starting to realize what’s about to happen 🙂 Take care of both of you

  6. Edith says:

    How great it must be to feel her move!!! 😉

  7. Lisette says:

    So amazing hun, today was a good dayb

  8. Lisette says:

    …day to check in. Over the moon for you xxx

  9. gsmwc02 says:

    Wow, this has gone by so fast. You’re almost at the finish line. Sending you strength and best wishes down the home stretch. 🙂

  10. Ahhhh third trimester! Brill news! Xx

  11. That dancing unicorn is awesome! Happy third trimester, and thanks for keeping your IF friends in your thoughts!

  12. This makes me so happy! Looking forward to the arrival of your little girl. It’s so weird how fast this goes. The waiting feels like forever, and then once you get pregnant, BAM! Hug that belly for me!

  13. E v e l y n says:

    Gee, time flies. Third trimester already. The baby will be here before you know it.

  14. Somehow I made it back on here and can see your blog again!
    SO freaking happy for you and LOVE the unicorn dance!
    When are you due again? June 8th? LOL!

  15. Belated congratulations! You’re on the home straight! Keep dancing. Jessica x

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